Date | Reminder |
30 January (Tue) | Start of Term 1 for students in Year 1-12 |
9 February (Fri) | Deadline for Annual Device Fee Payments |
11 March (Mon) | Ramadan (TBC) Labour Day Holiday |
13 March (Wed) – 16 March (Tues) | NAPLAN EXAMS |
28 March (Thurs) | End of Term 1 (Students finishes at 2:30pm) |
9 April (Tues) | Eid ul Fitr (TBC) |
We welcome the community to join us at Springvale or Officer Campus to pray Taraweeh.
Founded in 1992 with the aim of providing a setting for generations of Muslim Australians to grow up knowledgeable in their faith and secure in their identity.